It feels good to blog about something else once in a while. I don't know about you guys but right now I'm so addicted to You & I, latest single by Lady Gaga - God knows how many times I've been playing the track lol
So after having so much fun watching Gaga and err.. her male alter ego, Jo Calderone - mechanic lad from Sicily, having the moment. Thus, I did a little digging.
Ain't he hot? I bet! Something interesting Gaga said, "you will never find what you are looking for in love, if you don't love yourself." Jo Calderone was also on the cover of Vogue Homme Japan, Sep Issue (but it's been spread widely in the Internet a month ago!). 'Nuff said, I think I'm in love.
More info:
And onto Jo Calderone's first mv!