My first sewing session started today – not exactly your glamorous picturesque you see in Dolce & Gabbana sartorialita. But then again, all basics might be as well learnt from seamstresses who actually work in the industry. Fashion is a mixture of trend forecasting and merchandising; one that reforms great formula of sewing skills with craftsmanship to construct contemporary wear. Just like a son of business owner who has to learn his way up in his career path to make a perfect figure of businessman.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in one day – industrial sewing session now, leather bag later. The difference between fashion sewing classes and industrial sewing classes is determined by the perfection of finished products but both is applicable to one another if you know what you’re doing. One way or another, hands-on experience is the most optimal approach. In this session, 80% of my time will be consumed with me sitting in front of industrial sewing machine. Sacrifice that perfectly balances out.